San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00002535 Men in suits standing outside Men in suits standing outside.
00002534 Photographic portrait of Jose Joaquin Estudillo, taken about 1850 Photographic portrait of Jose Joaquin Estudillo, taken about 1850. 1850
00002533 Group of schoolchildren Group of schoolchildren.
00002532 Queen of Holy Ghost Parade, 1933 Lavern Duarte, Mary Thomas, Queen Marie Xavier, Melva Mattos. 1933
00002531 Portrait of a lady Portrait of a lady.
00002530 San Leandro banner San Leandro banner.
00002529 St. Mary's School diploma, Ruth Mulford Collins, June 2, 1920 St. Mary's School diploma, Ruth Mulford Collins, June 2, 1920. 1920
00002528 They Made it the City of Flowers in 1936 They made it the city of flowers in 1936. 1936
00002527 I.O.O.F. Building Includes "loans" office.
00002526 Handshake in front of Cherry Carnival picture Handshake in front of Cherry Carnival picture.