Field Name Field Value
Photo Identifier 00000083
Title Callan Ave. and E. 14th St., SE corner, 1896
Description Joseph Caton's Central Restaurant and Sample Room on the left, then Schlueter and Wilkie's Grocery, Woodward and Merrill, Real Estate and General Auctioneers.
Year 1896
GPS Latitude 37.72636274966065
GPS Longitude -122.15744494228562
Old-style map grid reference D824
Period date
Subject | Joseph Caton Central Restaurant | Restaurants and Bars | Schlueter & Wilkie Central Grocery | Stores and Shops | Woodward and Merrill | Real Estate | General Auctioneers | Services | East 14th Street | Callan Ave. |
Location is approximate. For further explanation, see this page from a Google Slides presentation.