Field Name Field Value
Photo Identifier 00000084
Title Ladies' Aid Society of the First Presbyterian Church, 1895
Description Ladies' Aid Society of the First Presbyterian Church, which was very active in charitable activities: They put on bazaars, booths and sewing bees to help the needy; they were dedicated, as well, to fighting the "demon rum". Many were wives of prominent San Leandrans: Top row, L-R: Mrs. Cormack, Mrs. Graff, Mrs. O'Brien, Mrs. Meta Best, Mrs. Cary, Mrs. Ida Geisenhofer, Mrs. O.J. Lynch, Mrs. Hawes, Miss Anderson, Miss Carrie Anderson. Second Row: Mrs. Price, Mrs. Knox, Mrs. Bruner, Mrs. Gray, Miss Isabell Cormack, unknown, Mrs. Demont. Front row: Mrs. Dubois, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Fenner, Mrs. Lucy (Cary) Walrath, Mrs. Abernathy ?, Mrs. Knaugh, Mrs. Thrasher and Mrs. Eber. On the ground: Little Jennie Knaugh. Identifications by Mrs. Viola Webster and Mrs. Catherine Retallick. Additional comment by Mrs. Catherine Retallick: Mrs. Hawes, mother of Mildred and Harriet Hawes, is not in this picture. The lady who resembles Mrs. Retallick's grandmother is Mrs. Fenner.
Year 1895
GPS Latitude None
GPS Longitude None
Old-style map grid reference
Period date
Subject | Ladies' Aid Society | First Presbyterian Church | Portraits, Women | Portraits, Group | Mrs. Cary | Geisenhofer, Ida | Lynch, Mrs. O.J. | Mrs. Hawes | Miss Anderson | Anderson, Carrie | Mrs. Price | Mrs. Knox | Mrs. Bruner | Mrs. Gray | Cormack, Isabell | Mrs. Demont | Mrs. Dubois | Mrs. Peters | Mrs. Fenner | (Cary) Walrath, Lucy | Mrs. Abernathy | Mrs. Knaugh | Mrs. Thrasher | Mrs. Eber | Knaugh, Jennie |