San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00000045 Pile Driving, Mulford Gard., ca 1910 Pile Driving, Mulford Gard., ca 1910. | Wharves and Harbors | Pile Driving | Mulford Landing | 1910
00000284 Marina Mudflat Marina Mudflat. | Wharves and Harbors | San Leandro Marina | Mudflats |
00000499 Reception for W. W. I. Veterans, 1919 Estudillo House, Gardens and Grape Arbor. | World War I | Veterans | Portraits, Group | Estudillo House | Grape Arbor | 1919
00000488 Tom Xavier, 1922 Tom Xavier, 1922. | Xavier, Tom | Portraits, Children | Street, Williams | Street, Ross Ave. | Homes | Roads and Streets | 1922
00000343 C. C. Young, Governor of California, addressing a dinner at the American Legion Hall, SW corner of Washington and Ward, in 1926 To the governor's left is N.W. Armstrong, master of ceremonies, and Buron Fitts, Lieutenant Governor. | Young, C. C. | Hall, American Legion | Armstrong, N.W. | Fitts, Buron | 1926
00000604 Horse Drawn Trolley Car on Castro Street, 1900 CA Horse Drawn Trolley Car on Castro Street, 1900 CA. | horse | castro street | trolley | 1900