San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00000246 Paint Shop on Chumalia St. Paint Shop on Chumalia St. | Street, Chumalia St. | Paint Shop | Services |
00000247 Pea Pickers Pea Pickers (Marina area). | Agriculture, Farms | Pea Pickers | San Leandro Marina |
00000249 Oyster Beds, Mulford's Landing? Oyster Beds, Mulford's Landing? | Wharves and Harbors | Muflord's Landing | Oyster Beds | Ships and Boats |
00000252 Harold Harold (Hal) Perry, Wife and Child. | Portraits, Family | Perry, Harold (Hal) | Perry Family |
00000253 Harold Harold (Hal) Perry. | Perry, Harold (Hal) | Portraits, Men |
00000254 George Mendonca and Parents The lady in the picture has been identified as Mae Mendonca, daughter to J.B. Mendonca, who is in the middle. George B. Mendonca, the son, is on the right. | Portraits, Family | Mendonca, George | Mendonca, Mae | Mendonca, J.B. |
00000255 Col Hastings Biography Col Hastings Biography. | Hastings, Col. | Biography |
00000261 Biography of Abel Bettencourt Biography of Abel Bettencourt. | Bettencourt, Abel | Biography |
00000262 Borman's Grocery Store Fred J. Borman. | Borman's Grocery Store | Borman, Fred J. | Portraits, Men | Stores and Shops |
00000264 Early San Leandro Resident Early San Leandro Resident. | Portraits, Men |