San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00000137 Masonic Temple, 1910 Masonic Temple Dedication April 15, 1910. | Temple, Masonic | Temple Dedication | 1900
00000344 Masonic Temple, Joaquin and East 14th Street Masonic Temple, Joaquin and East 14th Street. | Temple, Masonic | Street, Joaquin | Street, East 14th | Carman's Sweet Shop | Stores and Shops | Gert's Furnishings Store | Haldorf and Sons | Automobiles and Trucks |
00000098 San Leandro Baseball Team, 1930 First row: unknown, Frank Arbini, unknown, Les De Paoli, Lester Brown. Second row: Ernest Catoni, Eddie Fonseca (no. 6). Frank Bricher in felt hat. | Team, Baseball | Team, San Leandro Baseball | Recreation and Sports | Baseball | Portraits, Group | Portraits, Men | Arbini, Frank | De Paoli, Les | Brown, Lester | Catoni, Ernest | Fonseca, Eddie | Bricher, Frank | 1930
00000484 T. B. Morgan Grocery Store, 1911 Located on Davis St., one half block from E. 14th. Glen Williams, Frank Golsalves, Al Theiry, Louie Silva, Elmer Voght. Thomas B. Morgan's store was the third store E. of the old city hall. | T.B. Morgan Grocery Store | Stores and Shops | Portraits, Men | Portraits, Group | Williams, Glen | Gonsalves, Frank | Thierry, Al | Silva, Louie | Voght, Elmer | 1911
00000360 Estudillo Avenue, 1915 Estudillo Avenue, 1915. | Streets, Estudillo Ave. | Trees | 1915
00000446 Washington Avenue Looking South, about 1950 Washington Avenue Looking South, about 1950 - stores: Pennys, Hinks, pharmacy. | Street, Washington Ave. | Stores and Shops | Hotels and Motels | Services | Automobiles and Trucks | Plaza Hotel | Clothiers | Sears | Penney's | Shoes | 1950
00000227 W. Estudillo and Washington Ave. W. Estudillo and Washington Ave. | Street, W. Estudillo | Street, Washington Ave. | Stores and Shops | El Dorado | Restaurants and Bars | Plaza Hotel | Hotels and Motels | Plaza Drugs | Plaza Pharmacy Co. | Automobiles and Trucks | Building, Daniel Best |
00000225 W. Estudillo and Washington Ave., 1968 W. Estudillo and Washington Ave., 1968. | Street, W. Estudillo | Street, Washington Ave. | Plaza Hotel | Hotels and Motels | El Dorado | Restaurants and Bars | Automobiles and Trucks | 1968
00000266 Electric Street Car Oakland - San Leandro - Haywards. Picture location: Opposite Hayward Plunge, in front of Oakes Hotel. | Street, Mission Blvd. | Oakes Hotel | Hotels and Motels | Oakland, San Leandro and Hayward's Electric Railway | Public Events |
00000423 Juana Ave. Juana Ave. | Street, Juana Ave. | Trees | Homes |