San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00001104 Viola Best Viola Best.
00001105 Viola Best Viola feeding her pet goose "Goosey, Goosey Gander"
00001106 Viola Webster, late 1920's Viola Best Webster, late 1920's. 1927
00000227 W. Estudillo and Washington Ave. W. Estudillo and Washington Ave. | Street, W. Estudillo | Street, Washington Ave. | Stores and Shops | El Dorado | Restaurants and Bars | Plaza Hotel | Hotels and Motels | Plaza Drugs | Plaza Pharmacy Co. | Automobiles and Trucks | Building, Daniel Best |
00000225 W. Estudillo and Washington Ave., 1968 W. Estudillo and Washington Ave., 1968. | Street, W. Estudillo | Street, Washington Ave. | Plaza Hotel | Hotels and Motels | El Dorado | Restaurants and Bars | Automobiles and Trucks | 1968
00001817 W. J. Gannon, City Clerk W. J. Gannon, City Clerk. 1914
00000437 W. W. I. Food Rationing, ca 1917 Fred Hirschman, Constable J.H. Gallett, assisted Herbert Hoober in gathering food for underfed Europeans. Records show San Leandro residents donated liberally. | Food Rationing | Portraits, Men | W.W.I. | Gallet, J.H. | 1917
00000635 Wagons ready for the Fourth of July Parade, 1892 Standing in front of the horses, L-R, are Tony Rogers, unknown, and Manuel J. Andrade. This picture was made on Davis Street in front of the Town Hall, which is on the right. Next to the hall are Iversen's Saloon and farthest, Gleason's blacksmith shop. 1892
00001479 Wall at Casa Peralta Wall at Casa Peralta.
00000551 Wallace's Newsstand, 1915 Davis St. Reggie Wallace, "Sea Cap" Christensen, Mrs. Wallace, Mr. Wallage, Leah Erickson, Georgie West. Miss Erickson was the granddaughter of Divid Ury. 1915