San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00000872 World's Fair at Treasure Island, 1939 L.J. Freeman, Harold Brayton, greeter; L.E. Bontz, member of California Commission; Mrs. Helen Dawrence, Councilwoman (named Mayor For a Day at the fair). 1944
00000573 World's Fair, Treasure Island, May 8, 1940 Jim Kennedy, Mark Dufarel (Mayor), Tony Oliveira, Joe Peralta (Police Chief), Watt Bruner (Judge). 1940
00000926 Young Boy in front of Barn, Mulford Gardens Young Boy in front of Barn, Mulford Gardens.
00002106 Young Mens Institute Parade, 1933 Tony Fialho, Frank Bento, Hausen Belling, Francis Lemos, Tony Cardoza, Andy Reshke, Henry Gonsalves, George Mendonca, William Cross (kneeling), John Louis (kneeling). 1933
00002107 Young Mens Institute Parade, 1933 Joe Rose and Francis Lemos. 1933
00000072 an Leandro Fire Department 1920 Seagrave Pumper, Taken 1931 San Leandro Fire Department 1920 Seagrave Pumper, Taken 1931. | Automobiles and Trucks | Fire Protection | Engine, Fire | Seagrave | Pumper | 1931