San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00000378 New San Leandro Plaza, 1968 New San Leandro Plaza, 1968. | San Leandro Plaza | Panoramas and Aerial Views | Roger's Mens Shop | Stores and Shops | Automobiles and Trucks | The Bank of California | Other Businesses | Local Loan | Plaza Cleaners | Services | George's | 1968
00000775 Aerial View of West Estudillo & Davis St. St. Leander's Church, 1968 1968
00002155 Anais Throop, ca 1968 1968
00000216 Old Timers Baseball Team, 1967 H. Clayton Rohlfs, 1 Row 2; Polvorosa, Tony, 1 Row 4; Jeffy Lyons, 4 Row 8. | Old Timer's Baseball Team | Portraits, Group | Portraits, Men | Baseball | Rohlfs, H. Clayton | Polvorosa, Tony | Lyons, Jeffy | 1967
00000228 San Leandro Plaza, 1967 San Leandro Plaza, 1967. | Plaza, San Leandro | Shops, Kaplen | Automobiles and Trucks | Advertisement, Mercury | Stores and Shops | Plaza Hotel | Hotels and Motels | El Dorado | Restaurants and Bars | Plaza Pharmacy Co. | Services | 1967
00000259 1967
00000391 Albert V. Gillock, ca 1967 Albert Gillock at S.L. Marina with bat wing ray. Taken during meeting and tour of S.L. Historical Landmark Committee. | Gillock, Albert V. | Portraits, Men | San Leandro Marina | San Leandro Historical Landmark Committee | 1967
00000123 San Leandro Plaza, 1966 San Leandro Plaza, 1966 (November or December). | Plaza, San Leandro | House of Fine Cameras | Singer | Harolds Club | Garner's Corner Center | Street, Davis | Street, East 14th | Roads and Streets | 1966
00000168 U.P.E.C. Building, U.P.E.C. Building, (1966 more likely, 1964). | Plaza, San Leandro | Building, U.P.E.C. | Carlton Card Co. | Services | Mario's Shoe Shine | Nell's Backyard | Miller's | Roger's | Chrysler | Automobiles and Trucks | Capri Coffee Shop | Stores and Shops | Advertisement | 1966
00000169 U.P.E.C. Building, 1966 U.P.E.C. Building, 1966. | Plaza, San Leandro | Building, U. P. E. C. | Loans | Nell's Backyard | Stores and Shops | Services | 1966