San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00000132 San Leandro Police Department, 1933 San Leandro Police Department, 1933. Art Lamoreux on the far left; counting to the right, Chief Joe Peralta is number 8 and Jack LeDoux on the far right. | San Leandro Police Dept. | Law Enforcement | Lamoreux, Art | Peralta, Chief Joe | LeDoux, Jack | 1940
00000133 Union School, 1900 Union School, 1900. | Union School | Education, Elementary | 1900
00000134 Carnegie Library, 1909 Carnegie Library Dedication, May 14 1909. | Carnegie Library | Libraries | Public Events, Library Dedication | 1909
00000135 U.P.E.C. Hall, 1900 U.P.E.C. Hall, 1900. | U.P.E.C Hall | Stores and Shops | Services | 1900
00000136 Daniel Best Building, 1911 Daniel Best Building, 1911. | Daniel Best Building | Stores and Shops | Services | Street, East 14th | Best, Daniel | 1900
00000137 Masonic Temple, 1910 Masonic Temple Dedication April 15, 1910. | Temple, Masonic | Temple Dedication | 1900
00000138 Norman Duck Club, ca 1920 Located at the foot of Davis St. Frank Cody is the middle of the three men shown. | Norman Duck Club | Organizations | Street, Davis | Cody, Frank | Automobiles and Trucks | Portraits, Men | 1920
00000139 San Leandro Brass Band, ca 1890 San Leandro Brass Band, ca 1890. | Band, Brass | San Leandro Brass Band | Portraits, Men | Portraits, Group | Performing Arts | 1890
00000140 Union School, ca 1915 Union School, ca 1915. | Union School | Education, Elementary | Portraits, Groups | Portraits, Children | 1915
00000141 Duck Hunting, ca 1920 Frank Cody is on the left. | Duck Hunting | Hunting | Cody, Frank | Portraits, Men | 1920