San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00001774 Lena Mathew Bright Lena Mathew Bright.
00001776 Jones Family, ca 1910 Jones Family, ca 1910. 1910
00001777 John Brooks Jr., Barbara Mathews Brooks, John Brooks Sr., Matt Brooks, July, 1970 John Brooks Jr., Barbara Mathews Brooks, John Brooks Sr., Matt Brooks, July, 1970. 1970
00001778 William ' Bill' Mathews, Daughter Barbara Mathews William ' Bill' Mathews, Daughter Barbara Mathews. 1945
00001779 William Mathews Agency, 1634 E.14th St. San Leandro Birth of Barbara's son advertised by hanging diapers in office window.
00001780 Merle Mathews, Barbara Mathews' mother, taken in 1929 Merle Mathews, Barbara Mathews' mother, taken in 1929. 1929
00001781 William ' Bill' Mathews taken in front of UPEC building on E. 14th St. William ' Bill' Mathews taken in front of UPEC building on E. 14th St. 1940
00001782 Manuel Mathews Manuel Mathews. 1910
00001783 Wedding of grandparents. John Enos, Alice Mary Enoa Mathews, John Mathews Wedding of grandparents. John Enos, Alice Mary Enoa Mathews, John Mathews. 1890