San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00002056 Singer horse and wagon Singer horse and wagon. 1911
00002057 Cherry Festival, June 5, 1909 Close-up of Cherry Festival poster. 1909
00002058 The Bridge Store, 1909 The Bridge Store, 1909. 1909
00002059 Store, 1909 Store, 1909. 1909
00002060 East 14th Street, 1909 East 14th Street, 1909. 1909
00002061 Hotel, 1909 Hotel, 1909. 1909
00002062 San Leandro Fire Department, 1909 San Leandro Fire Department, 1909. 1909
00002063 Peralta Real Estate Office, 1909 A. L. Peralta. 1909
00002064 Residence of J.P. Cordosa, 1909 Residence of J.P. Cordosa, 1909. 1909
00002065 Portrait, 1909 Portrait, 1909. 1909