San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00001815 H. L. Reichrath, City Trustee City Trustee H.L. Reichsrath, who is unselfishly devoting much of his time to the street work of San Leandro. 1914
00001816 Leo Brisacher, City Treasurer Leo Brisacher, City Treasurer. 1914
00001817 W. J. Gannon, City Clerk W. J. Gannon, City Clerk. 1914
00001818 A. A. Rogers, City Attorney Published in San Leandro Standard, August 13, 1914. 1914
00001819 Budd Eber, Fire Chief Budd Eber, Fire Chief. 1914
00001820 Dr. Luther Michael, Health Officer Dr. Luther Michael, published in San Leandro Standard, August 13, 1914, very active member of the San Leandro Dahlia Society Member. 1914
00001821 Joseph F. Peralta, City Marshall Joseph F. Peralta, City Marshall. 1914
00001822 Old St. Leander's Catholic Church, West Estudillo and Clarke Published in San Leandro Standard, August 13, 1914. 1914
00001823 Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church (Little Brown Church), Clarke St. 1914
00001824 Masonic Temple, Corner of E. 14th St. and West Joaqmin Published in San Leandro Standard August 13, 1914. 1914