San Leandro Historical Photo Archive

Search matches: 2526 / 2526 records

Photo Identifier Title Description Subject Year Photo
00001835 Presentation of Casa Peralta to city of San Leandro by Mr and Mrs Jack Brooks, October 1971 Jack Brooks, Mrs. Brooks (Barbara Mathews), Margaret Rodrigues, Dr. Terry Galloway, Lee Enos. 1971
00001836 Acceptance of Casa Peralta by City Officials, October, 1971 Mayor Jack Maltester; Mrs. John Brooks; John Brooks; William Suerstedt, councilman; Mario Polvorosa, councilman; Gregory Pomares, councilman; Al Nahm, councilman; Alvin W. Kant, Vice-mayor; Gunner Seymon, President of Chamber of commerce. 1971
00001837 Duck Hunters, ca 1940 Douglas Webster and Franklin Webster. 1940
00001838 Estudillo Avenue Street Scene, ca 1920 Estudillo Avenue Street Scene, ca 1920. 1920
00001839 Shore of Lake Merritt, ca 1910 Shore of Lake Merritt, ca 1910. 1910
00001840 Shore of Lake Merritt, ca 1910 Shore of Lake Merritt, ca 1910. 1910
00001841 Ferry Landing in San Francisco Bay, ca 1940 Ferry Landing in San Francisco Bay, ca 1940. 1940
00001842 Daniel Best and Russell Flint, ca 1920 Daniel Best and Russell Flint, ca 1920. 1920
00001843 Shore of Lake Merritt, ca 1910 Shore of Lake Merritt, ca 1910. 1910
00001844 Old Alameda Bridge, ca 1910 Old Alameda Bridge, ca 1910. 1910